Well lets first start out with me saying this capacitor is no where near 20 actual farads at least the one i got I have the same model pc20f but bought it used.
What I got for a system is 2 Pioneer champions 4 ohm speakers one 12″ and one 10″ rated at 750 watts rms together or 2600 watts peak combined and a Power acoustic black demon 3000 watt mono block one ohm stable amplifier wired parallel at 2 ohms.
Since instal my sound has increased tremendously, but my lights still dim…
Far better sound quality with cap
Most likely closer to a true 2 farad capacitor
Flashy and cool
Ease of use, convenient.
No where near 20 farad capacitor
Expensive (I paid around $35 and prob wouldn’t pay full price for another.)
Result- Keep looking