I bought this unit and installed it in place of the factory radio on 1995 Tacoma 4×4 Ex cab. This is an old car (made almost 20 years ago) so I expected to have some issues fitting the modern radio it in. I was surprised the issues were not that big and the radio fit with little changes:
1. The standard 2-bay sleeve does not fit in my truck. The original radio is mounted with factory made brackets that do not follow current mounting standards. Also only two holes in Toyota-factory brackets matched threaded holes in Planet Audio radio’s case. To assure solid "grip" I enlarged other two holes in the factory brackets so they mate with threaded holes in the radio’s case. That did the trick and Planet Audio P9640B fit perfectly in the opening. There is no need for supplied frames as the original dash panel fits over the front panel of the radio. It looks like the radio was built for this truck.
2. The radio bay in my Tacoma is not very deep. There are air vent ducts behind the radio. P9640B fits in the opening as long as you don’t use standard RCA plugs on the back. The original radio antenna is OK but I wanted to use a backup camera which should be connected to RCA input on the back. If standard RCA plug is connected, the radio is sticking out about 1/2 inch. I made a custom L-shape RCA plug for backup camera and that solved the problem. It is tight fit without much space left but it works. Other connectors and wires (including additional wire harness to plug into Tacoma plugs) fit behind and below the radio without problems. Back USB connector was put in the glow box.
Now about the functionality of the radio. The user manual does not tell you all things this radio can do. So this is what I found so far: